The Monsters Are Coming…

Duncan Poundcake
2 min readJul 27, 2020

Look closely. They’ve been here for some time but like the aliens in John Carpenter’s, ‘They Live’, they look like us and hide in full view.

These are the Monsters that persuade you to vote to disadvantage yourself.

These are the Monsters that tell you the NHS is failing and the private sector must come to the rescue.

These are the Monsters that tell you globalisation is good for you, whilst taking your jobs away and closing your industries down.

These are the Monsters that tell you we cannot afford public services and we must save the bankers first.

These are the Monsters that tell you democracy gets in the way of profit.

These are the Monsters that tell you Greening society, the economy and combating Climate Change, gets in the way of profit.

These are the Monsters that tell you reduced life expectancy is a matter for the market.

These are the Monsters that tell you throwing statues into rivers is lawless, Marxist thuggery, whist supporting coups, regime change and bombing of countries far away.

These are the Monsters that tell you equality is a matter for the market.

These are the Monsters that tell you you’re not working hard enough, whilst sitting in their sun baked…

